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Project manager

Project manager is a frequently abused label for occupational position in the permanent organization also if it does not correspond with the scope of employment of a project manager.



Relaxation is the project manager’s social competence to shave the tension in complicated situations.


Pygmallion effect or reason for managing your expectations

According to Ovidius, Pygmallion was a Cypriot sculptor, who fell in love with an ivory woman statue he carved. The goddess Aphrodite appreciated his love and offerings and changed the statue to a real woman. Pygmallion then married her and they had a daughter. So much for the history or mythology, now let's go back to management. The phenomenon called Pygmalion effect says that others' expectations from a person are affecting that person's performance.


Know your role

Even though we have some level of understanding supported by experience of what my responsibility is as a leader or manager, there is some knowledge or wisdom of the ages that can help achieve the desired outcomes whatever the current methodology says. Some call it laws of power based on militaristic rules of engagement, some say they are common sense observable best practices based on morality and ethics. What can really help?

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