
Project manager

Success Problem

Project manager is a frequently abused label for occupational position in the permanent organization also if it does not correspond with the scope of employment of a project manager.


Manager of an internal project wants and knows to manage the project preparation and execution, allocation of available resources, its progress and the quality of the project outputs, the project changes, and to solve the conflicts with project environment. If the project manager does not master this task, he/she threatens the project goal. Manager of an external project (contract) wants and knows to manage the use of available resources, especially the selection and coordination of the suppliers, to manage the project progress and quality, the changes and to solve the conflicts with the project environment. If the project manager does not master this task, evocates discontinuity or delay of the project and threatens the goodwill of the permanent organization – the project deliverer.


Project manager is a person, charged by the project owner or by other representant of the permanent organization to execute a given project. Project manager is in this case the identity of the job, no matter if the given person has the professional competence. Project manager can be the employee of the permanent organization, executing the project or external specialist. Project manager must have clear assignment for particular project management most likely in the form of written contract. A general duty „to manage the projects” in the employment contract is not sufficient. By taking over a running project it is recommended to make a project triage. Project manager is responsible to the project steering committee. Multiproject manager or complex project manager wants and knows to delegate his/her duties and competences, relating to the partial projects, onto the managers of the subprojects. In this context the manager should want and know also to coordinate the activities of the subproject managers. The project manager is usually a specialist for the project scope, but often he/she is not also project management professional. The professionality of the project managers is attested in independent certification of the professional competence for project management. Project manager should have the project management competence IPMA C: certified project manager.



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