

Success Problem

Based on my experience, managers who know how to use the URGENT - IMPORTANT MATRIX (called also the EISENHOWER MATRIX) are in an advantage in comparison to others. The matrix is used to evaluate and subsequently to have the ability to prioritize daily tasks.


The Eisenhower Matrix consists of four fields, which divide daily task to four categories: 1. Important&Urgent 2. Important&Not Urgent 3. Not Important&Urgent 4. Not Important&Not Urgent. Being able to categories our daily tasks helps us to make appropriate decision. For tasks in the zone no. 1: focus your effort to perform tasks immediately. For tasks in the 2nd zone: create an action plan and start gradually working on the tasks, which are usually linked to strategic decisions. In the 3rd zone: delegate the tasks to a team member and monitor the results. For the last zone no. 4: remember, those tasks are not important and not urgent, that is why the number of these tasks should be eliminated.


Try to reorganize your daily tasks based on the URGENT - IMPORTANT MATRIX. Spend most of your working time to accomplish the tasks, which were categorized into the 1st and 2nd zone.


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