

Success Problem

It is well known that the agile framework should reflect real time customer requirements and develop a viable piece of product at the end of the Sprint. I was engaged with the agile topics and solved the impediments as SCRUM Master and Couch.


I would like to share with you my findings from five agile projects, and divide them to the three parts based on common themes: (i) SCRUM TEAM & ENGAGEMENT, (ii) SCRUM Environment (iii) SCRUM Principles & Rules. I have recognized the following mistakes/issues within the first part (i) SCRUM TEAM & ENGAGEMENT: 1. Very passive developers – Insufficient Team Engagement; 2. Poor Communication among agile team members; 3. Communication via the SCRUM Master, only; 4. Missing a Team spirit 5. SCRUM Master as a daily micromanager; 6. Developers did not take full responsibility for a product delivery; 7. SCRUM Master was acting as a mediator between the developers and the Product Owner; 8. Missing a Social Contract; 9. Nobody knew how many team members are on the phone call (international team – virtual conference not used).


Please remember and apply in your practice: Agile is not for people, who just take orders and do not add any value. Socialization is important for agile teams (create a friendly work environment). Communication amongst the team members needs to be at the top of priorities. Agile is about collaboration. To apply the agile principles in a proper way be focused mainly on the change of the mindset not only on the agile events and artefacts.



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