Success Problem
Unlike physical ailments, detecting and identifying the mental ones is much more challenging. Mental health must not be a taboo, especially in the workplace.
Mental health can significantly affect business ... However, while tackling mental health issues can be challenging, employers and HR staff are in a strong position to help society change attitudes and create a support system for people suffering from depression who due to their symptoms have problems at work (but also at home).
Here are some specific ways to get started: * Offer managers training - Management tends to seek one solution for everything (and all), but there are systematic differences in the way people act, think and feel. Managers need to understand that each employee is different and treat them according to that. * Promoting work-life balance - Maintaining work-life balance helps people reduce stress and helps prevent work-related burnout. Flexible working time can provide employees with a better balance. * Monitor employee engagement - Few companies know how important employee engagement is, at the same time, to prevent health problems. When people are not involved, they run the risk of burning out, stress and alienation, which also worsens their health.