
Project organization

Success Problem

The aim of the project organization.


Project organization is a temporarily organization, composed from the representatives of the interested parties, their infrastructure and interests, informational, financial, communication and contract relations.


A part of the complex project is the project steering committee or project board and project office. Temporarily organizations originate combining the parts and activities of permanent organizations or individuals for definite time period. Project organization usually includes the project organizational breakdown structure and the responsibility matrix, described in the project management plan. Project organization structure is an arrangement of the management relations, where each employee is governed by the project manager of the actual project. It is used primarily in the permanent organizations working predominantely with external projects. The head of the personnel unit is responsible for the development, utilization and remuneration of the employees in cooperation with the managers of particular projects. The task of the personnel manager is to build and update the optimal portfolio of employees needed for the projects of the permanent organization.



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