
Risk and opportunities registers

Success Problem

The difference between risk and opportunities register of the permanent organization and risk and opportunities register of the project.


Risk and opportunities register of the permanent organization is a basic document describing the grounds of problems and recommendations for solving the problems resulting from project risks and opportunities. Risks and opportunities register of the given project describes the causes and impacts of the project risks and opportunities and the proposals for solving the inherent problems.


Risk and opportunities register of the permanent organization is a part of the knowledge base, stepwise summarizing the knowledge from individual project risks and opportunities registers. It is related with the problems, changes, claims and issues register. The benefit from their integration is a complex overview of the project risks and opportunities sources. This document is maintained by the permanent organization‘s management and is updated by the project management office, if it was created. The risk and opportunity code enables to differenciate basic risks and opportunities categories: external risks (political, social, technical, economic, environmental) and intern risks (changes, claims, disputes, human and technical risks and opportunities etc.). Risks and opportunities register of the project is relevant to the specific project and provides the inputs for the risks and opportunities register of the permanent organization. This document is completed and updated by the project manager in cooperation with the project interested parties.



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