Success Problem
What is the difference between consulting, mentoring and coaching?
Consultants share their expertise and knowledge to help business and other organizations attain goals and solve specific problems. Mentors have ongoing relationship that can last for a long period of time. The meetings can take place as and when the mentee needs some advice or support. Coaching is performance driven and does not require design, it can be con-ducted almost immediately on any given topic.
Consultant isn't beholden to any particular corporate culture and therefore consultants can act as the catalyst for change. The mentoring focus is on career and personal development of the mentee. Mentoring seeks to provide a safe environment where the mentoree shares whatever issues affect his or her professional and personal success. Successful mentoring relationships last nine months to a year. The relationship with a coach generally has a set duration and is more struc-tured with meetings scheduled on regular basis. The agenda is focused on achieving specific and immediate goals.