
Conflict resolution

Success Problem

The right methodology in conflict analysing and resolving.


The approach helps the persons in conflict to understand his/her judgment process, how he/she arrived at that decision and also how his or her coun-terparts perceive the same situatuion.


The focus is to uncover the differences that are mostly hidden in the minds of the persons involved in the conflict. The methodology plan proceeds in five steps. 1) identification of the conflict domain and the major issues surrounding (persons involved indicate their judgments by raiting several profiles on a numerical scale), 2) exercise of judgment (the concerned individuals indicate their judgments by rating several profiles on a numerical scale), 3) analysis of the results (a mathematical regression model is made), 4) comparisons nad judgment differences feedback (individuals revise their judgments on conflict issues by reducing the cognitive difference rather then discussing the differences in outcomes), 5) negotiation among conflicting parties.



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